Tuesday 17 July 2007

not a happy bunny

well I have two teeth now - they started poking through last week and it does really hurt.

I also have developed my own will and will protest if I want a toy or Mummy's phone or the remote and will stop crying as soon as I get my way. Mummy is slowly cottoning on to it though so I will have to change tactics soon!

Cousin Finn

I have a well cool cousin, he is about 3 months older than me and can show me loads of tricks. Last time I saw him he taught me how to screech at the top of my voice and now I am doing it allllllllllllllllllll the time!

Here is me and Finn!

In every babies life

there are days, when you just look a bit dodgy or a bit off colour! Even I have days like that! what can one do...

Sunday 15 July 2007

My friend Leoni

My friend Leoni has been here last weekend and we were playing in the garden. She can crawl and I was watching her very carefully, took notes and am currently training to crawl - not quite there yet but watch this space!

Posing for the camera

I realise now that this silvery thing Mummy has is a camera and that it takes pictures of me - and since it is making Mummy and Daddy go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I am happy to oblige and pose for the camera!

Here are a few recent photo session shots

Saturday 14 July 2007

Fun Day with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa or Oma and Opa, depending which language I am speaking were up today.

I had so much fun, I was cuddling loads with Grandma and we went to the park and I had a go on the slings and the slide (with Daddy) and it was so nice. For a change Mummy didn't get wet - that was nice.

Here are a few pictures from today.

Long time no hear

uuups so sorry - we haven't updated for a long time.

I have been ill and was in hospital but I am much better now and then Mummy was so busy and she doesn't give me the password to the computer so I can't get on her without her.

I will update over the next few days!
